Research by Tamara Damberg
It is also believed that salt has magical properties. It is kind of similar to the spiritual properties, but some differ a bit or are even more extreme.
Salt can be used as a protection against psychic phenomena. It can be sprinkled across thresholds, or beds, you can wear it in your pocket or around your neck etc.
In magic Salt is also used for purification. Salt has been known as a medium to remove psychic energy, and so it is used for psychic clearing and purification. Magicians and priests often take salted baths to prepare for ceremonies. Also magical objects and crystals are cleansed by a salted bath. Bowls of salt are used to get rid of negative energie. Foods are even cleansed by adding a small amount of salt.
It is believed that a small amount of salt added to a brew, potion or lotion can take care of the other realms and better the effectiveness of that brew, potion or lotion.
Salt is a necessary nutrient of the human body, but too much salt is also not good for you. This is the reason why magicians and priests often fasted and drank only pure water before major ceremonies.
Taking baths in salted water is really good for preventing diseases and is good for the physical body. By taking these baths it is easier to get in contact with your physical and metaphysical self.
Because salt absorbs psychic energy, it is often used to transfer a spell or wish to the higher powers by first making the spell, than throwing salt in the fire. The salt will burn and release the energy into the higher dimensions. Salt can also be thrown into water, rivers and seas to transfer a wish or take away burdens.
Spells and Wishes